In the days of cheap gas and lots built out on former farm land with features such as a fenced in yard and a bonus room over the garage, no one worried about how long it took to get to work. Then things became congested. Commute times began to increase, gas prices went up, miles per gallon did not, parking rates increased. Services became sketchy in some of the remote suburbs. All was not well.
People tend to vote with their wallets, and with their feet. Closer in became more desirable, to heck with that bonus room. Some people would look around them as they drove to work and all saw the same thing. All the other cars moving slowly or stopped in traffic had just one driver, and most of them were going to the same place. Why use a car for that?
Places in the northeast, most notably New York City and Boston, grew up around strong transit systems. Just try to imagine those cities today without their "A" Train, or Blue Line, etc. It can't be done.
So, Charlotte, a city built for the auto, and the people living here, are now learning that Transit Corridors are the desirable way to move forward, and the resulting increased property value is the proof.
Such as good infomation for this blog..