A friend of mine pulled me aside in early May and asked me if I had heard anything of Reid's closing their doors. I was shocked, and told him that I had not, but would find out.
I asked Pam Richards if what I heard was true, and she confirmed that it was.
Slowly the word got out, and we began the countdown. It was not initially apparent, but slowly the shelves started thinning out. Then the wine racks became threadbare. People who no one ever saw before began to shop there and commented on how nice it was, and what a shame it was it was closing! Where were they before?
The plan was to close on Saturday, June 26 at 8pm. I planned my day to be on hand for the official locking of the doors. I didn't want to get there too early, so I planned my arrival for around 6:30. I found a hand-written sign on the door that the store was closing at 5!
It's been about 10 days now, and oil is still leaking in the gulf, we're still in Afghanastan, the market is still crazy, and life goes on. I have rediscovered evening aerobic classes, and in general am getting more work done during the day.
There will never be another place quite like Reid's.
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