It is a strange piece of land, nestled between these two streets and the Belk Freeway on the back side. The rendition of the planned building is making good use of the Skyline views that should be quite stunning from there.
What I like about it the best is that it is the beginning of the absorbsion of the vacant land along Stonewall Street. Much of this land was assembled during the reconstruction of the interchange that was part of the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Indeed, with Romare Bearden Park and the impending construction of the Charlotte Knights Stadium in the Third Ward, this could also be the start of the entire Second Ward reconstruction as designed by Michael Smith in the grand land swap!
In view of the Four Wards that make up downtown Charlotte, we are starting to see signs of life:
- First Ward. Levine Properties is nearing on three different projects that are planned to be underway by Summer of 2013. This is in addition to the construction of an underground parking deck under the First Ward Park between Seventh and Eighth Streets, Brevard and the Light Rail line.
- Second Ward. The construction of the apartments indicated above on the far east end of Stonewall Street will be countered by a potential office and apartment complex on the southeast corner of Stonewall and Tryon Streets.
- Third Ward. The park and stadium will be shadowed by a Childress Klein 21 story apartment building on the corner of MLK, Jr Blvd and Mint Street. Additionally, with the stadium, a hotel is planning to be constructed between Graham and Mint on Fourth Street.
- Fourth Ward. Grubb Properties has indicated that they will be developing an apartment building on North Church Street between Tenth and Ninth Streets.