Romare Bearden Park Groundbreaking Ceremony
September 02, 2011 9:00-10:30am
Corner of 3rd and Church St.
Be prepared for a unique experience unlike any groundbreaking ceremony you’ve ever attended.
Refreshments will be provided.
What great news this is! Several things to look for as the park develops. Poplar and Mint Streets will both become 2 way streets. The curved part of Poplar that currently goes to meet Mint Street by Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard will disappear. Poplar will now dead end into Third Street. Fourth Street Will also become 2 way up to Mint Street. The curved portion of Fourth Street to meet Third Street will go away, making a larger parcel for the proposed Knights Baseball Stadium.
Go Here for the Parks and Recreation website for the Romare Bearden Park. The construction of the park will certainly be a difficult thing for the Panthers home games as three different parking lots / tailgate areas will no longer exist! Should be exciting.