Lots of movement comeing to downtown Charlotte soon. With the Duke Energy building about to open, Wells will be consolidating many of their offices near their South Tryon turf. They will be opening several other buildings that they currently have people in.
Couple this with the announcement that because of the Electrolux relocation to the Fifth/Third facility on David Taylor Road, and 5/3's desire to relocat to downtown and you will find an additional 150 people walking our streets.
Getting back to Duke, when they move into their new building, there should be some more musical chairs taking place as well. One that I hope for is the relocation of their data center from College and MLK Jr Blvd to their current headquarters office building on Stonewall and Church. That would open space for a redevelopment of the MLK Jr / Church site, perhaps as another convention center hotel.
Stay tuned, it should be a fun year.